Our wireless optical system KORUZA has been presented at International Wireless Optical Workshop 2015 in Turkey along with the scientific paper Low-Cost NIR Measurement Device detailing the integration of NIR pixel into a standalone detection tool.
A significant number of researchers in the field gave rise to many discussions on Visible Light Communication for consumer networking applications, Underwater Optical Communications and general outdoor communication. THe interest in KORUZA as an open research platform has been overwhelming demonstrating the real need for a system that is transparent to researchers and allows easy integration of their core development efforts into a working system without spending significant effort on dealing with mechanical, monitoring or tracking solutions.
As presented at the event, we will shortly be making KORUZA available as a kit for DIY assembly as well as offer pre-built and calibrated units as a technology preview for anyone interested.
[iwow](/post_files/NIR_IWOW/NIR_poster_session_IWOW.jpg){: .img-half}